Please be informed that there will be a service interruption starting June 7, 2019 5:00PM. This is due to server upgrading.

Online Permitting and Monitoring System

Environmental Management Bureau

Department of Environment and Natural Resources


For technical concerns, please email us at .


  • We invite you to a stakeholders' meeting on 25 March 2025 at 1:00 PM, to be held in Conference Room A, 3rd Floor, AQMTC Building, DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. An online link will also be provided for virtual participation. Kindly confirm your attendance by emailing or contacting us at (02) 85394378 loc 129.
  • To all HFC Importers, Please be informed that we are now accepting applications for HFCs Registration and Pre-Shipment Importation Clearance. Please ensure that all arrivals and transactions from the previous year have been submitted/reported.
  • You may pay the OPMS through the Landbank internet-based facility. Click HERE to download the quickguide.
  • Please be informed that before registering on the Online Permitting and Monitoring System (OPMS), you must first register on the Company Registration System (CRS). For those who have already an OPMS account, please be informed that your account will be limited on functionalities until you link your registered CRS account.
    The guide/user manual can be accessed through this link: Company Registration System (CRS)
  • To all chemical importers, kindly enter importation data on My Importations module.

About the Online Application and Issuance of Certificate of Conformity (COC)

Section 22 of Republic Act 8749 (Clean Air Act of 1999) provides that “Any imported new or locally-assembled new motor vehicle shall not be registered unless it complies with the emission standards set pursuant to the Act, as evidenced by a CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY (COC) issued by the DENR”.

Further stated in Part IX Rule XXXI Section 1 of DENR Administrative Order 2000-81 (Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Clean Air Act) is that “A COC shall be issued by the DENR through the EMB to a vehicle manufacturer, assembler, or importer certifying that a motor vehicle type complies with the numerical emission standards in this Rule, using the relevant ECE test procedures or their equivalent as approved by the DENR. No New motor vehicle shall be allowed initial registration unless a valid COC issued by the DENR through the EMB is granted”.

About the Online Application and Issuance of Priority Chemical List (PCL)

The Philippine Priority Chemicals List (PCL) is a list of existing and new chemicals that DENR-EMB has determined to a potentially pose unreasonable risk to public health, workplace, and the environment. Among the chemicals in PCL, DENR-EMB determines which chemicals should be regulated. In addition, DENR-EMB imposes special reporting requirements that apply only to chemicals included in PCL. This is an essential aspect of the PCL process since these reports will enable DENR-EMB to obtain the necessary information concerning the priority chemicals and their uses. Such information will assist DENR-EMB in making informed decisions on which chemicals should be regulated.

About the Online Application and Issuance of Pre-Manufactured and Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN)

New chemical substance is defined as any chemical that is not included in PICCS. Pre-Manufacturing And Pre-Importation Notification (PMPIN) is to screen harmful substances before they enter Philippine’s commerce. Its main objective is to ensure that new chemicals that would pose an unreasonable risk to human health and the new environment either be denied to be manufactured or imported into the country, or be placed under control and restriction to limit potential releases.

About the Import of Recyclable Materials Containing Hazardous Substances

Consistent with Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 28, Series of 1994, Department Administrative Order No. 28, Series of 1997, Department Administrative Order No. 27, Series of 2004, and Department Administrative Order No. 66, Series of 2004, importation of recyclable materials containing hazardous substances, shall be allowed only upon obtaining prior written approval from the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources of his duly authorized representative, and in accordance with the rules and regulations stipulated herein.

Hazardous Waste are allowed to be exported for recovery, treatment and final disposal and to countries which are Parties to the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal or to countries with existing bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements as provided for in Article 11 of the Convention.

Import of recyclable materials containing hazardous substances or export of hazardous waste, are approved by the DENR through the EMB Central Office when all the requirements indicated in this Chapter are met. The import or export clearance shall be issued after the consend from the Competent Authority of the importing and exporting coutries have been received by the EMB. An import or export clearance shall have validity of six (6) months, unless otherwise specified by the approval of the importing country.


Import or export under the provisions of this Chapter shall be undertaken consistent with the provisions of the Basel Convention and Republic Act 6969.

Recognizing the risk of damage to human health and the environment caused by hazardous wastes and the transboundary movement thereof, the Basel Convention adopted the following rights and obligations, among others, of the Party State:

  1. Prohibit the import of hazardous waste for final disposal operation.
  2. Prohibit or not permit the export of hazardous waste to those Parties which have prohibited the import of such waste
  3. Prohibit or not permit the export of hazardous waste not specifically prohibited by the importing country if the importing country has not given its prior consent in writing

Import of recyclable materials containing hazardous substances and export of hazardous waste shall be made in conformity with the said rights and obligations, especially to providing prior consent in writing to the importing and transit coutries.

About the Online Application and Issuance of Environmental Laboratory Recognition (ELR)